Two years into the Newfoundland and Labrador’s sugar tax experiment, education, not taxation, is enabling balanced, healthy lives in Atlantic…
Advocating for a common-sense approach to recyclability labelling
Introducing additional labelling requirements will not necessarily enhance the recycling system, and might hinder progress towards our ambitious targets. OPINION | BY KRISTA…
Canadian Beverage Association – Improving Supply Chains and Promoting Healthy Beverages in Canada
BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE | FOOD AND BEVERAGE | April 20, 2023 Championing the efforts of its members, the Canadian Beverage Association…
Off label: the unintended consequences of label changes for consumers
While it is important for Canadians to be aware of the contents in products they consume, they already have the…
What are the implications of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Newfoundland and Labrador?
Memorial University’s Faculty of Business professor, Tom Cooper, studied the economic effects of a tax and concluded, “The implications to…
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